
What About Weight Loss 

This is the story of every women .... not quite, actually a story of most women.

Actually there few categories but I will mention few:

  • women with most amazing genes, it does not matter What They eat or drink and skinny They are forever
  • Those women forever on diet and They never loose anything "not sure if the diet is about eating They are on or talking about being on diet". 
  • women who set goal of loosing And They Actually achieve the goal
  • Those who try every pill on the market or injections to lose weight
  • lately people choose to go for tummy tuck - "I  say shoulderstand amazing results but I am scared to go under the knife to achieve the skinny trim figure "
  • Those who do not eat in a normal table setting but rather take Their doggy bag whichwill be the first thing They Do When They get home - eat it all and still go to the fridge for more. Somehow people ask why Themselves thesis proving people wrong big hypothesis: because women will never eat with you 
  • Those women who just do not care, They Are comfortable With Their sizes it does not matter If They weigh 180kg
  • ..... There are many many more other dieters With Their own diet pattern
I must confess, I am one of the ones forever on diet but not loose weight. 
Why?  I love my wine there is always a reason to cheat - Actually there are more days than sticking to diet cheat days ....